Jewish Institute for Lifelong Learning & Innovation


Enabling you to experience Jewish life fully in our world.


JILLI is dedicated to enriching people’s lives through lifelong learning and experiences, using tailored educational pathways to explore all aspects of Jewish living in our world.

Founder & Spiritual Leader

Rabbi Lia Bass, JILLI’s founder and spiritual leader, was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and is the first woman from Latin America to be ordained as a Rabbi by the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. She is a bold and innovative Jewish leader who believes that Judaism is a spiritual way to respond to the joys and sorrows of being human. Read More…>>

Rabbi Lia Bass


Let's Create Your Jewish Journey Together!

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Jewish Living

Do you need some practical advice or instructions for the how-to of daily Jewish living?



Jewish Learning

Choose your Jewish journey through the variety of Jewish educational opportunities that JILLI offers.  More…

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Jewish Lifecycles

Are you looking to celebrate an important moment in your life? Does your family have an upcoming simcha? If so, you need a rabbi!


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The last step in creating a lasting clay vessel is firing. Firing is done in two stages: bisque and glaze firing. After the piece is trimmed and everything was added or carved, the vessel is left to air dry completely before being bisque-fired. More…